Thursday, April 2, 2009


These two aspects are combined because most of the teaching that happens is through role-play and the toys you give your child. For instance, children understand the difference between boy and girl with the help of dolls. These are also used to teach the child other basic concepts like parts of the body and personal hygiene. There are a lot of people who specialize in guiding mothers into understanding the right kind of childcare and toys the young one requires.

The fact is that right from the moment a child is born, it looks up to the mother to fulfil its every need. She is the one responsible for the values, personality, morals, strengths, weaknesses, emotional development, mental development, et al, of the child. If you observe a child, it knows when the mother is approaching the cradle just by her sound or scent. And so, motherhood holds far more responsibility than feeding, cleaning and rocking to sleep.

To be able to develop your young one's social skills at the earliest you should expose them to open surroundings and social events organized for children. Taking the child to gardens and regular visits to relatives will aid in developing the social skills. As a matter of requirement you should create opportunities for your child to play with other children. This way they will learn the joy of playing in a group. This is mainly helpful for easy adjustment when attending school for the first time.

Apart from the toys that work as learning tools, practical experience teaches the child far more. For instance, a regular visit to the market will have them learn the fruits and vegetables, rather than just showing pictures at home. A child also enjoys participating in a variety of activities. It inculcates in them a sense of responsibility. For example, when cooking you could probably get the child to wash the vegetables or roll some chappatis.

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